Thursday, January 15, 2009


So this is my first attempt at blogging ever. I have always wanted to start a blog but I have kept putting it off for various reasons. Starting a blog only seems like the logical thing for someone like me to do, mainly because I spend so much time on the internet but more than anything because I am an avid follower of American politics. I have no idea if I'll keep it going though, or maintain it because I feel like this is somewhat of an exercise in futility. Most likely no one will read this but me. So it's possible that I'll post once or twice and then never post anything again. Only time will tell.

The purpose of this blog is twofold; to get some of my frustrations with the state of affairs in our nation off of my chest and to examine the rhetoric of Republican politicians, debunking the lies they spread, and bringing to light the fact that many if not most of them are in power to serve the will of their almighty market and not the will of the American people.

Despite my loathing of the neo-conservative ideology which I must say has vastly separated itself from the old conservative party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Eisenhower; I do think that there are extremes on the liberal side of politics that can get out of hand as well. What I am trying to say is that basically, throughout my experiment with blogging, I will call out liberals when I think they are wrong and say why. Mainly though, I want to spend space on the internets demonstrating that most conservatives live to protect the will and rights of mega-corporations at the expense of the American people. How they can get away with this is quite possibly the greatest scam, or Ponzi scheme if you will, ever enacted on the American people. They hide their crippling economic agenda by advocating that a corporate friendly policy is a people friendly policy which I hope many Americans have realized simply is not true evidenced by the recent recession and while most average Americans were losing their retirement and college savings in the stock market, Exxon Mobile the corporate gas giant was posting the highest profits in its history. Oh but according to many conservatives we have to lower the corporate tax rate because our corporations are being taxed to death and can not compete. These are the types of lies that Republicans like to spread and that many average people truly believe because they have been trained through psychological conditioning and a complete blurring of actual facts.

There is some light at the end of the tunnel with the election of Barack Obama and the majority that the Democratic party has regained in the Senate and House. I was an avid supporter of Obama during the election and I think that so far he has done an amazing job with his transition team. We are already seeing a departure from the policies of old, a renewal of the universality of human rights, and an outright rejection of George Bush and his joke of an administration. His candidates for Cabinet positions from Hillary Clinton, to Eric Holder are impressive because of their experience, judgment, and level of competence to hold those positions, unlike Bush's nominees who were chosen for their political ass-kissing abilities and not because they actually had a clue as to how to do their jobs. I look forward to the change that we Americans have begun and I cant wait to talk about it more. Until the next time I decide to rant!

Creative Commons License
The Political Musings of An Average America by Fernando Ruiz is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-Sin obras derivadas 3.0 Estados Unidos License.
Based on a work at

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